
By Terrifo

Saturday Blip

A common Green Bottle Fly on the Euonymus radicans "Silver Queen". There was the odd bee around, but no butterflies and the Buddleia is full of flowers.

A busy morning, starting with catching up on Blip. Then decided to get the new mulch on the rose bed. Started by hoeing just to loosen up the soil and get rid of some new weed growth. Then scattered the mulch around the shrubs. By the time I did that it was lunch time. 

The instructions were to water the mulch, and checking the weather forcast there was no more rain for today. So out with the hose pipe, hoping it was going to be long enough. Only just, so the bed has had one soaking, so I will wait until the sun is off the bed this evening and give it another watering.  The next job was to get the paint brush and Weathershield and to touch in various bits of weathered paint work. Managed to get paint on my fingers as usual! So will need to give them a good soaking later ;-)

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