
By pandieb


I could have done without the hotel fire alarms sounding at 0230 this morning, especially as it was raining as we all traipsed outside. Luckily it was (as expected) a false alarm but it took a while to get the heart rate down and get back to sleep.

We both managed (it took two alarms) to get up and out in time to do a bit of Parkrun Tourism, not the reason for the trip but a nice addition. By complete coincidence Himself's running club had also planned to be there, surprising us both  (he never reads his emails) when they said hello. It was good to meet /catch up with a few of them for coffee (and very good carrot cake) afterwards and I was (not so) secretly pleased to have beaten all the club women. They even let me interlope (I'm not a member).in their team photo.

We got home mid afternoon after a mostly successful mission trip

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