By greengirl

A duty or a pleasure?

D was asked that question when he was at college.

I can’t honestly say that it’s a pleasure, since I’ve been disappointed so many times recently. That doesn’t mean that I’d pass up on my vote, however. I would call it a privilege - denied to many and for so long.

I decided to do not very much today, but because i didnt ho for a walk or do any much gardening, I’ve actually had time to sit in rhe garden with a cupof tea and a book/ chnage, wash and dry our bedding, post my vote, talk to Sarah on her birthday and sharpen the scythes with D.

Im making a Tuscan Bean Stew for tea, realised I didnt have any spinach so had the idea of cutting off all the tops of my broad beans and using them instead :-)

Going out for some local am-dram tonight…

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