
By KCNQ2Haiku

Mini Clouds

Little stalks hold up
mini clouds, with the big clouds
watching from on high!

OK, it's a stretch but I liked this Cow Parsley(?) taken from beneath, with blue sky and big clouds above!
Ben had carers today, it was his last session with this agency as we're moving his outreach to be all under the same agency that delivers his respite, so that he has fewer people to build relationships with.  They were on time which was a turn up(!) but they did ring and ask to bring him home an hour early as he said he had a headache and a tummy ache.  He was remarkably completely fine when he got home :-/  
I did some bits with older teen and we all took Leo for a walk which was nice before Ben got back.  
In other stuff, I'm distracted because someone from school has suggested I write a 'Day in the Life of' type document to share with social care to demonstrate the pressures we are under.  It's a good idea but it's hard to get the tone right, pitch it for the right audience and highlight the areas that I feel are important.  I'm being a bit of a perfectionist about it but hopefully it'll be worth it, if it coveys the right message to the right people.
How many times can I say right?? :-D  Obviously my drafting skills are done for the day!

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