Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Three Grand Women

I was tailwalking at Parkrun this morning in the sunshine.  It was a special day for us at Myrtle because our founders, Steve and Catherine were handing over the mantle of Event Director to Dr Chris.  Thankfully, they are not leaving us, just relinquishing the responsibility.  So we had a brief ceremony and presented them with a card and Parkrun t-shirts as thankyous before the off.  We had 152 participants today in good spirits.  
As I rounded the Memorial on my last lap, I spotted three of our regulars enjoying encouraging folks from the bench.  On the left is Christine who organises the volunteers and today was marshalling.  In the middle is Anna who manages the social media and results, and was running today, and on the right is Sarah who helped set up this morning and was also Run Director.  

After we had cleared away, several of the team retired to the Lounge for cuppas and breakfasts, then it was home to process my photos; put the last coat of oil on the garden benches and prepare dinner.  Tony filled in at the back of the wall which is steadily being rebuilt by neighbour David, so hopefully another couple of days' work and we should be getting back to normal.

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