
By pensionspoet

Royal Highland Show - day 3

I forced myself up at 7 when I heard Jon getting dressed. I had a full Scottish breakfast to cook for 5. Fortunately the sun was out, and stayed that way all day, with a bit of cloud occasionally, but no rain.

Once breakfast was done, and punters were queuing for the canoes, and fire lighting and other skills, I went and had a shower.

Spent a bit of my morning writing, but not sure of the count. I estimate I only did 3/400 words. So won’t have hit the 50k yet - but tomorrow I will. Have had a head ache today and yesterday. I think it’s a combination of not drinking enough, and eye strain. Perhaps a trip to opticians is needed.

Then I began to make our mandala. All just things from close by in our camp. The single purple iris which was in bloom, I carefully separated to put a petal in each segment. I particularly like the cleavers which is such a pain in my garden, but circled the mandala perfectly. Naturally clinging to itself and to the upturned log. The centre is fungi growing on the log. I’m now trying to preserve it in stitches, and am making a 2024 RHS camp blanket badge. I’m only half way through. Wishing I hadn’t put quite so much thought into my Mandala. The 6 colours I used are for my retreat ladies. I shared it with them first. It didn’t take my headache away, but made it more bearable.

Jon launched an incredible 127 canoes with 344 people today - one capsized - a mum and her 2 children. She was not at all happy! One of the children stood up in the canoe..& over they went!

After 6 when Jon had eventually finished his canoe duties we walked through the site and found a pizza wagon for dinner. I got a night off.

Now I’m continuing with my sewing. Last day tomorrow, but still a 6pm finish. So a late night early morning drive home.

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