Back to some analogue, this from one of a batch of cameras I got in a few job lots from an auction last month, that I'm putting through their paces, before selling on. The Franka Solida Jr is a lovely folding bellows camera with the distinction of being "Made in Germany US-Zone" (as marked on the back), meaning it was made in a little period after the war, and just as the Cold War was brewing properly (for a history on East Germany I can highly recommend Katja Hoyer's excellent Beyond the Wall, which I read a month back).
Anyway, this 6x6 producing 120 film camera has performed admirably, even with my amateur developing skills.
In Leith for my last ever Scottish Wildlife Trust full council meeting as a volunteer trustee (basically the Board of the charity), with my second, and last possible, 3 year term up in September. It was nice to see the old swing bridge resurfaced and back in pedestrian use!
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