Planko's Pics

By planko

The holiday begins

Yesterday it was Dundee Train Station to drop the kids off on their trip to florida, today it was another trip to Dundee Train Station, this time Dundee Florida ;)

The holiday begins! Mrs P and I are off on a roadtrip round the coast on our first 2 week holiday alone in 16 years, taking full advantage of the kids being away to Scout camp, with Mrs P safe in the knowledge that if anything happens we're at least on the same continent as them.

Flew on the first trip of the Thomson Dreamliner to Florida this morning. Liked the big windows, the quietness of the plane, the way the different air pressure in the cabin gets more oxygen into your body so you feel more energetic when you arrive, the food was good too. Didn't like the seats in Premium (don't recline enough for me), but apart from that it was a pleasant flight.

Upgraded to a Dodge Challenger car...seriously fast car ...

After a bit of shopping & a detour to take this blip we arrived in Tampa, checked into the hotel, quick bite to eat & something to drink before the bar shut and then finally got to sleep after being awake 24 hours.

Quote of the day from Mrs P: "That Camembert Cheese is just like Dairlylea". She's a sophisticated lady my wife ;)

(she meant it's texture).


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