Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

A break in the weather

More on and off showers today but it was a little warmer than yesterday.  Maggy and I met the new volunteers who were doing their training day and I and another volunteer team gave a talk about what it is to be a volunteer.  I think I went over time and at one point I was telling them about M at facility #2 and how M's grandson had asked us to come in and say our farewells to her because she had always enjoyed Maggy's visits so much.  So Maggy gave her a farewell lick on the hand and I said goodbye and we left only be rung by the facility just after we got home to inform us that M's grandson wanted to particularly thank us  and that M had passed not long after we left.  Well they were all in tears.  I didn't mean to do that but there you go.  I wanted to let them know how much a privilege it is to be able to do that and to give whatever comfort you can to the family.  I may have told you about M passing before, apologies if I have.

So then I had to go and feed Reggie, Lucy's 4 month puppy that T and R have been minding as T and R were at the East Coast Band comp.  I tried to get in to the Con to see T's band play but was too late and missed it.

Home then and I went out again later with Maggy and managed to catch this rainbow.   It is a 9 image vertical pan but PS didn't do a very good job on stitching and even with me tinkering afterwards it is still a bit wonky but you get the drift.  I believe it is going to be fine tomorrow.  Hooray.

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