The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

SCOT Day 2

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

The Supper Club tour continued with some sea swimming and a beach sauna today. Kitty Cat was hilarious getting into the water . The noises coming out of her were like a demented chimp! “It’s just stages,” I told her - “Vag level, belly level, boob level, shoulder level.”

But we all made it in and I was in my happy place. It’s also a lot easier heating up in the sauna afterwards instead of trying to peel a costume off with hands that don’t work.

We decided to go back to the house to have lunch. “We could have cheese and bread?,” suggested Dee.

Kitty Cat misheard and thought Dee had said “cheese and red” and was momentarily disappointed until we all agreed that cheese, bread and red would be an excellent lunch.

Which it was. In fact, the whole day was excellent.

We all fit.


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