Life through the lens...

By ValC

Potato flowers.

Another glorious summer’s day. There was some cloud this morning which made it better for painting the fence. Finished by lunchtime and so I was able to sit in the garden in the afternoon.
The potatoes are flowering and so another vegetable blip.

Our youngest son called round and we were reminiscing about holidays spent together. Especially about when we went to Tenerife one February, many years ago, when he was a teenager and he took his skateboard.
I remember it well!
It just went in the hold with all the other luggage. No extra charge!

As it was such a lovely day we had a BBQ. Only the second this year. Now feeling very full as I always do too much.

We have had a lot of bad news and sad news this last week.
I remember a song/ hymn which was one of my mum’s favourites.
‘ Count your blessings one by one’.
Something we have been doing today.

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