
By HF1

Rose Arch

The car problem wasn’t as simple as the battery being flat so we had to call the RAC . Luckily, we were at the Garden Centre so we had a coffee whilst we were waiting!
It was something to do with the Immobiliser and the man was able to restart it but suggested we have it checked at a garage soon .
P had to go to work early so I decided to go up to the Newt for a walk . I hadn’t been for a while and it was lovely.
Unfortunately, on the way back at a roundabout in Wincanton disaster struck - there was a warning code about AirCon then a bong bong continuously as a warning with the engine management light on ! Next , as I turned the corner of the roundabout all the power went ! Eek ! Not a pleasant experience!
I left the car and stood on the verge for safety then rang P . He gave me the RAC number which meant I had to do everything online and my phone battery was going .
In the end the same friendly RAC man arrived quite quickly and P left Sainsbury’s to come and help . Lots of people kindly stopped to see if they could help - so friendly. My car is now sitting waiting to be looked at in the garage forecourt!
Decisions about whether it’s time for it to go have to be made !!

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