
By ishaan03


The initial day was supposed to be spent with Tom. But he mentioned that he has got an epileptic seizure last night. I felt worried for him. Although he suggested to meet today, I thought he might be better off resting himself. He had asked for some cookies, so I baked it for him. The news came when the cookies were out!

I went to the St Mark’s park near Cannon mills and it’s my new favourite park in Edinburgh. Such a pleasurable cycle ride through the King George’s garden in New Town to the park and back.

I took a nap. Spoke to my sister again. Went out to get groceries for a thai tofu meal, I have been craving and then off to meet Silvia at Waverley. My sister had sent a present for her from India so I had to ensure
It get’s delivered to her. It was nice catch up with her after so long. She calls me sad bunny! Finally, I went to Calton Hill since it was so sunny and I took a nice photo alongside Princes Street road.

On the way, I texted Max back as I had enquired about the whereabouts of the Climate event next Saturday.

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