From Now On...

By rachelwhynot


We’ve had Jenny my lockdown sewing buddy here with us today. A lovely day with just her and she was good until she talked about the future. She is soon going to need residential care and recognises this but it’s hard and there’s lots involved. D is her financial POA and is regularly chasing carers and social workers. We prayed with her and tried to reassure her but feel we took her home on a bit of a downer. She phones us many times a day and we’ll do all we can to help her. Dementia is a horrible thing.

While we talked, I listened. My slow stitching efforts. Not quite as free as they might be but I’m enjoying it. Thank you Blast for introducing it to me. The website explains it so well. I’ve introduced it to Jenny and she has had a go. Today, she just watched.

‘Slow stitching is simply taking a piece of fabric, needle and thread and using simple stitch marks upon the textile. Going with the flow of your fabric, your mind, your thought process. There is no set pattern to follow, no embroidery lines to mark up. Instead you learn to listen to your innate sense of creativity and allow your hands to flow across the fabric.’

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