
By amandoAlentejo

Steph's Stork

... and storkling, on way to Adega, after church. Group of exiled Alentejanos there from Sintra, singing Cante, lovely to hear it again - not been a regular thing ever since the pandemic.

Funeral of young lad, Ezekiel, from our church in Brazil today, been a long (about 8 yrs), but utterly brave battle with cancer, glad he is at peace now, with the God he loves.

- best was meeting Netty and the girls at Vila Velha for a meal tonight, so glad they're here now for a long while
- listening to Deb and Dr Spooner on the Livestream
- chatting to a Serbian/Swedish/American/Portuguese family who've bought a plot of land near ours (Duško & Melissa)

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