Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Home patch again ...

Back to routine, back to church - voices rather hoarse after their big work-out yesterday, but made no better by intensive blethering afterwards (no, not this kind of blethering - the vocal sort!) It was quite late - like almost 1pm - when we got home for coffee, so conversation with Di was rather limited, and punctuated by messages from Ewan who was boarding a plane from Tokyo to Hong Kong (as you do) where he's now safely ensconced in another hotel. It makes me tired to contemplate ...

We were both tired anyway after yesterday, so lunch drifted into the leisurely perusal of the Sunday paper and - in my case - the local paper, where a not unexpected stushie is brewing about the recently announced sale of Toward Castle for the asking price of a mere £7 million less than ten years after the council turned down a local community buyout in favour of property developers. To date all that has affected us is that we haven't been able to walk through the grounds since 2015, after years of enjoying not having to walk along the road.

In the late afternoon we realised that the rather grey, midgy morning had turned into a pleasantly sunny day and headed down the road to walk along the shore, just because the low tide sea looked gorgeous and the colours were stunning. I've not, however, chosen one of my sea photos today - I thought these nosey young cattle were amusing enough to feature them instead. You can see that even the further away beasts are trotting over - and we'd not even sung to them or anything! 

As we walked back from the Ardyne, past the aforementioned castle, we remarked once again how lucky we are to have these surroundings waiting for us any day, any time - whenever we feel like enjoying them. Just as long as we get more weather like this ...

And then we watched the football. 'Nuff said.

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