Every Little Step

By moonfairy


Appointment at the hospital today to discuss my operation.  Still not sure when it will be.

But I have to have more blood tests and another scan.

The nurse consultant said it probably wouldn't be for another 2 weeks.  But around 4pm (just as I'm coming out of the supermarket!)  I got a call asking if I could go in on Monday for the scan.

Of course, I said yes.

They gave me some paperwork to take home.

So, at some stage this afternoon, I took the paperwork off the hall table and took it up to my bedroom.

A few minutes later Molly come flying up the stairs, sits down and starts chewing something.

I couldn't see her properly from where I was sitting, but assumed it was one of her toys.

I then realized she was chewing a piece of paper.

It turned out to be the card the Nurse Consultant had given me with her phone number on it, in case I need to call her

And you've guessed it, Molly had chewed the corner where her phone number was! 

Molly has hardly chewed anything of any significance apart from her toys.

She just had to chew the one thing I needed!

Still, it's not the end of the world.

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