
By trisharooni

25 Martin Place

I haven't used the fisheye for ages, so went into the city, planning to point it skyward.
Then I was walking along Castlereagh St and noticed this gorgeous staircase in the foyer of what I had thought was the MLC Centre.

Behind the times again, as it was rebranded last year as 25 Martin Place.
It's difficult to keep up with the buildings in Sydney CBD and many of them are foreign to me.

Anyway, I swapped the fisheye and asked the concierge and security people if I could photograph it, as I'd actually entered the building, thinking it deserved a bit more than a walk by shooting.
They seemed a bit surprised, but said yes, probably hoping I'd quickly disappear, which I did.
It's nicer against the black.

Thanks for hosting Pinkhairedlady.

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