Anwybyddwch y cyfarwyddiadau
Anwybyddwch y cyfarwyddiadau ~ Ignore the instructions
“I’d pay anything to make sure this music does what it’s always meant to do: Let people know they ain’t alone. See, we all got the blues. That’s the human condition. But those blues don’t mean we got to grieve. Those blues will warm your heart. When the groove gets to your gut, those blues, brother, turn sad to glad.”
― Buddy Guy
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Anwybyddwch y cyfarwyddiadau
Heddiw roedden ni'n adeiladau uned sinc i fynd mewn cegin Daniel. Rydyn ni'n meddwl bod dyluniad y sinc yn dda o roedd y cyfarwyddiadau yn ofnadwy. Doedden ni ddim yn gwneud cynnydd tan ddwedodd Nor'dzin 'Anwybyddwch y cyfarwyddiadau '. Yna gwnaethon ni cymryd yr holl ddarnau a gweithion ni weithio allan lle dylen nhw fynd. Nawr mae rhaid i ni alw'r plymwr i ffitio taps a pheipen draenio.
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Today we were building a sink unit to go in Daniel's kitchen. We think the sink design is good but the instructions were terrible. We weren't making progress until Nor'dzin said 'Ignore the instructions'. Then we took all the pieces and worked out where they should go. Now we have to call the plumber to fit taps and a drain pipe.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Gwneud uned sinc (Golygu picsel dŵr)
Description (English): Making a sink unit (Waterpixel edit)
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