secret garden

By freespiral


Another busy day and I'm behind. It is of course St John's Eve/Midsummer's Eve and a big day for well visiting, especially those dedicated to St John. and we had two engagements - the first was to St John's Well or Tobairín na Teampeall, Little Well of the Church, in Durrus. If you remember, of course you do, I was invited to the newly restored well back in 2021 where the Durrus Men's Shed had been hard at work. As I am now an honorary member (!) I get invited back each year and it's always lovely. We had to forego the barbecue which was happening next as it was off to another well! We met up with a few other friends just outside Ballydehob and in true pilgrim fashion, walked to the tiny graveyard in Stouke. Joan, next to me, has been coming every year for St John's Eve for as long as she can remember and she led us in the traditional rounds. Karen sang a song and Finola recited a poem and then we walked back to Finola's for apple pie and custard. The well in Stouke is an odd one, a bullaun stone, with a now quite unnerving statue of the BVM just about hanging on in there. 
Before this we had a chilly swim.
On the way home we looked out for bonfires but saw none - it's also traditionally Bonfire Night here. Never a dull moment.
Photo by Finola using my camera!

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