The second half of life..

By twigs


A lovely night's sleep with much pitter-pattering of rain on the van roof......a veritable lullaby.  Spent morning poring over a few things and over-thinking them, as I'm prone to do.  By early-afternoon had made decision to head to Timaru - just one night is the plan.  Hopefully Gerty will feel a lot better after I get her some medicine.  Turns out the medicine needs to be couriered in from Ashburton and won't arrive until maybe 4pm at the earliest.  Grrrrrr.  Really not keen to spend 2 nights away from base (Raine is away and teejay is at work so neither likely to be available for a coffee.  Bummer.)  in the meantime, my poor camera has been made redundant.....temporarily I hope.

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