
By DonnaWanna

Waiting for the NBN

It was a freezing morning, just 3c when I got up brrrr!!   The NBN was to arrive somewhere between 8am and 12midday so there was a lot of sitting around and hoping and moping!! : ).  
I took a few shots of the morning sun through the window and liked this kind of still life with shadows!  
The hand was made back in my uni days when I made a mould (not sure which mold to use here lol)  of my hand then produced quite a few of them from the mold and gave them away to all my uni friends with a note saying ‘thought I’d give you a hand’ it was hilarious.  Found that one wrapped carefully in a shoebox over 20 years ago, now pride of place in the new flat!! ; )
Eventually at 10.55am the NBN arrived yay!!  He asked me what had happened so far and I told him the whole story and he immediately went around checking everything and within 15 minutes he’d identified what was wrong and made a bunch of phone calls and within another 10 minutes IT WAS ALL WORKING PERFECTLY!!!! 
 Hahahaha (hysterical laughter)  I was so thrilled I could have hugged him, but I didn't think he would appreciate it!!!! : )
Needless to say I’m extremely relieved and just hoping the whole thing carries  on working perfectly without any further issues!! 
Ahhhhh sweet relief!! 

Thanks to pinkhairedlady for hosting! : )

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