
By Lello

bewildered Starling

Came down this morning and saw this baby on the feeder, normally when the back door is open anything on the feeder flies away but he just perched there looking round. I cut some bread to throw on to lawn, went back outside and got within arms length of him and still did not fly away, so went and fetched camera and walked slowly to him and still just sat there almost looking for his mum, fired off some shots, and even the sound of the camera did not frighten him. came back in to Blip photo and as I hit the publish button THIS landed on the edge of the laptop almost asking to be blipped :-) don't know what it is but obviously green and slightly smaller than an Ant but with wings tucked away. I was going to change blip to this but I have blipped enough macro shots lately, so the bird got it.

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