
By Igor

a right pear

Anniemay and I are a right pair.  She’s got a bad knee and I’ve got a bad cough and sore throat.  

She’s had an MRI scan which shows some permanent damage.  Now she’s got to go off to the Repair Shop to have it mended.  She’s not a patient patient and there are only so many Wordle games she can play before boredom sets in.

I, on the other hand, am a patient patient.  Years of practice.  With over a 1000 books on my kindle and I’m quite happy to reread old favourites.  An advantage of getting old is that I rarely remember the plot and who dun it.

But today my patience is tested.  We have a gig at one of the colleges in Cambridge tonight and I’ve had to pull out.  It’s a pain in more ways than one. 

Oh well,” my old Mum used to say, “worse things happen at sea”.  She doesn’t know the half of it.  Thank goodness.

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