Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


The day finally came; the last pilates class with R. I woke to an email from the organisers saying the classes will be resuming in August with a new instructor and still free. This is good news but I know I will struggle with a different person and comparing. I hope she will be as open and easy to connect with. 
The first class joined with the second one and had a great last session. We went for a coffee in the cafe afterwards and was a good chat despite me not knowing anyone . It won't be the same form August as there is only going to be one class, so I won't be on my own. 

Came home, showered, did some overdue dishes and hoovering and went for a walk down by the harbour. For the third day there was  a cruise ship in. Noticed the weeds were really bad along the water front and these poppies have appeared. 

As I picked up what I thought was non alcoholic cider the other week but it was alcoholic I know my stomach can cope with it so I bought myself some Thistly Cross to have tonight. I could get used to this . I have missed it.

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