
By HClaireB

Red Devils

Apologies to everyone who had already commented on my arty infrared image, but I decided to replace it with another shot from the same balcony. I was minding my own business (with a glass of rose) at 19.30 this evening when some blokes jumped out of an aeroplane and whizzed round with red smoke and flags. This was the biggest flag, and it looked magnificent against the evening sky.

jod tells me that they were the Red Devils Freeform Display Team of the Artillery Regiment, jumping into the Honourable Artillery Company's Afghan Trust Charity Ball!

The notes below went with this morning's B&W infrared image of a square with a tree and some pedestrians:

My London flat looks out on a pedestrianized square. These office workers were scurrying to work as I watered the plants on my balcony this morning. There are two wine bars in the square with tables and chairs outside. On a lovely day like today they are very popular. I can hear happy voices and laughter wafting up to me as I type :-))

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