
By ruthie1

Father’s Day

We didn’t plan anything special; Andrew wanted to spend the day sorting the lawn, pottering in the garden and playing with Anya & Max. I needed to bake Anya’s birthday cake ready for Tuesday and had more reports to write.
Sarah messaged to say she would be at the park with the girls so of course I couldn’t not take A&M over. Back to ice the cake & then Susie messaged to say she was heading to the park with her two! Back again for another park play and a natter. The cake eventually finished and on to making tea! Anya & Max played chess with Daddy whilst I did the usual Sunday jobs.

Father’s Day isn’t something we ever really celebrated in my family but I do feel very lucky to have my wonderful Dad, my father in law and of course for Anya & Max to have such a loving daddy.

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