Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ


Part of the Heartfreek July Challenge!

This morning Blaine and I had a meeting with the Director of Specialism at his future school to discuss the subjects that he's interested in doing his GCSE's. Fortunately, he's happy with the choice, the only new subjects that he'll be starting with, will be Ethics and Philosophy which I'm sure will be interesting and Design and Technology which looks like fun. Unfortunately, there is no Latin on offer, but I've heard there is a Latin club at lunchtime, so will need to find out if this is true, but the other subjects; English Language, English Literature, History, Maths, French, Music, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology he's all familiar with and enjoys. I met and chatted to some more staff and pupils and I've got a good feeling about it, and I'm feeling more confidant about the whole idea, however, when the first day of term comes around I may not be able to say that without a tear or two.

This door was spotted on our walk back from the school, and a blip that I think is very apt for today because a door has opened for Blaine and his journey to his future career.

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