
By soozsnapz

6 cygnets gobbling

Went on another ‘bus pass’ day out with my friend M. This time to Wells - I can get a bus that goes there from the end of my road. It’s a nice city to explore - we went to 3 cafes, 2 charity shops, and the bishops moat. Was surprised it cost £14 to go in the cathedral (was free last time I went)and £17.50 to go in the bishop’s garden. But you can walk around the moat. The swans are semi-domesticated - as there is a bell they can ring when they want food. Plus visitors can buy swan food to give them. Perhaps this is why 6 cygnets are healthy and doing well. A visitor was throwing food, and they all gently shared, while the parent stood back. I liked the one who used its long neck to reach over a sibling. We had a nice day out.

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