inkface's year

By inkface

Esso Man

I don’t know if anyone remembers these. Little Esso Man key rings that used to be free if you bought 4 gallons of petrol. My dad got this one for me and I’ve had it since I was about 8 (that’s a very long time). I gave it to Stewart as he loved collecting things like this and he kept him on the windowsill in his shed (that is now my craft room). Now it hangs on a little branch of a small branchy tree that I keep in there to hang little treasures on. He seems to have lost his tiny Esso badge that should be on his chest but he hasn’t lost his smile. He’s looking very white today with the sun shining on him.
For sk’s TinyTuesday challenge, thank you for hosting.
Thank you to everyone who left lovely comments, stars and hearts on my blip anniversary yesterday. It’ll take me a while but I’ll answer each one individually, x

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