Life through the lens...

By ValC

I wonder when.

A very warm sultry day.
I went to Sit and Be Fit for the first time in ages due to holidays etc.
A lot of the exercises today were for the shoulders, arms and hands. I found it a bit painful using my right elbow. All due to painting the fence!
It was our first anniversary, although I didn’t join until September, and so we had cakes with our tea/coffee. Also one of our members made everyone a little gift of a box of sweets.
( see extra)
I thought that was a very kind thought.

This afternoon I continued cleaning out a cupboard where I store crockery and glasses which are now only used occasionally when we have friends and relatives over for a meal.
I noticed one of the boxes I must have had for a long time.
Wonder when wine glasses were £1 at. M&S!
As I hadn’t taken a Blip photo yet I lined up a selection of 4 assorted glasses.
From left to right:
One of 12+tear drop wine glasses we received as wedding presents. Only 5 left now.

A tasting glass we brought back from Cairanne, Provence several years ago.

A Needle etched tumbler. One of 7 which belonged to my grandparents. They are so very fine, but we use them often. They date from early 1900 so they may have been a wedding present for them as they were married in 1900.

A small glass with a handle. One of 4 which belonged to my mum. She always called them custard glasses.( must look that up)
Apparently they are Victorian so must have been passed down to mum. They were used to serve custard at the end of a meal.

So all carefully washed and put away to be used another day!

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