
By LincolnWarrior

Soon to be a Prince

A rather hot day today with plenty of sunshine .It was so nice that my legs made an appearance as I had my shorts on. We had a football theme again at work for England's game this evening so I also had my England shirt on.

Thankfully not late leaving work so a quick trip to Tesco for a couple of bits for Julie and then home and a quick walk around the local park to find a blip. I spotted some tadpoles in one of the small ponds and managed this shot which I am happy with as you can see the little legs forming .

Back home and a couple of jobs to do one was sort out the loft as we are getting a new loft hatch and ladder fitted  so I had to make sure the area around the hatch was clear as the new one is bigger to save me having to squeeze through the small hole , the other job was to give  Minstrel some clean fresh litter .
That all done time to relax or so I thought as my mobile rang to say the alarm at work had gone off thankfully a quick trip up there to reset it the heat had caused some movement on one of the roller shutters.

Now back home a chilling now with the England game on hopefully they perform better than the last 2 games 

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