creative lenna

By creativelenna

Great Egret with storm clouds

We got a walk in this morning before the rain came down! As you can see, we were treated to the sight of some huge storm clouds. For even bigger storm clouds, I've added 2 more photos to the extras. This is our last day in Florida before our trip North tomorrow.

We have a very early flight tomorrow to Syracuse, NY where we will rent a car and drive to Cape Vincent. There is a 12 car ferry there that will take us to Wolfe Island, Ontario. For reference, the island is located on the ST Lawrence River, across from Kingston, Ontario. 

Steve's grandmother was born on the Island and the house and cottages still stand. They are part of a large 150 acre farm that is still used to raise cattle. The homes on the river are a gathering place each summer for Steve's large extended family. We will be there for 3 weeks this year and then head to Boston to see our grandkids before flying back home to Florida.

We are so looking forward to this trip! Wolfe Island is very rural, beautiful and peaceful. Some of you may remember me sharing photos of Wolfe Island on blip previously.... but if not, here's a collection of them from years past on blipfoto.

I'll be sure to continue to blip while there and share more of the beauty of this quiet place. Oh! I just remembered that I've also posted more than 1 gallery of Wolfe Island photos on my website. So beautiful...

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