Lala's Journal

By Lala

The garden

Quick snaps from the garden this evening.

A strange day at work. We had to call an ambulance for a teacher who was taken very poorly. The TA stayed with her, leaving just 2 teachers supervising 34 kids. I won’t complain when the schools bring an extra adult again, as minimum ratios should always be covered. That was a first for me though. 

I made it to my asthma check, with enough time to spare to pop into costa for a frappe! Asthma fine, well managed but when she asked if I had any anxiety, low days or depression I think she sensed my hesitation. I said I did but not down to asthma. No idea why they are asking that during an asthma check! I told her I thought I should be better after two years and she tutted! Upshot was she has a friend who 3 years on is now doing better due to an online course. She has messaged her and asked for details which she will pass on. 

Did I mention I have new neighbours? Had a lovely chat over the fence this evening. That house has been empty for 2.5 years, and it’s nice to see it opened up and with happy people living there.

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