
By ishaan03


There are days that make me feel very depressed and this was one of them.

I woke up this morning with a guilty conscience on how I had spoken to Tom. I immediately apologised to him over a text. I meant what I said but I could have said in a different tone. I feel too timid when others are so easily straightforward and have no regrets being blunt. I did manage to solve a bug in my code but was distracted by something or the other. I had a good meeting my mentor Rohan, who is very kind and diligent. We are meeting again for my dear colleague Sanjana’s leaving do on Thursday.

I also met my ex- landlady today. She was great. We usually exchange chatter so that is what happened. We had a coffee at a cafe at Polwarth.

Landlord sent a bill of £680 for 5 months. It’s amazing how the monthly bills in my current flat are c. £30 but in that flat was greater than £100 each month. I now have to deal with this uncalled for expense.

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