
By Tryfan46

Museum of Liverpool

What an exceptional day to mark my three score years and ten.

We didn’t accomplish everything we set out to do but gave it a very good go. First was the Liverpool Museum which must be one of the best we’ve ever visited. So much information to take in that we had to leave quite a chunk for another time.

A second shot of the Liver Building today from the museum, incorporating the Liver Bird itself, a mythical beast based on an amalgamation of cormorant and other birds. One bird, female, is said to be looking out to sea for returning ships. The other, the male, is looking to the city to see if the pubs are open, or so the story goes.

The Anglican cathedral was next. We spent a good couple of hours there including visiting the top of the tower. It is an inspirational place as is the Roman Catholic cathedral which we just poked our noses into and the end of the afternoon.

For my birthday meal we went to the Cow Shed steak restaurant and enjoyed a splendid meal and a desert complete with birthday candle.

I spoke to both sons this evening which was rather fine. A few cards and presents were opened, those that could be carried on the train. Lots of messages on WhatsApp and Facebook and from you good folk. Thank you so much.

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