
By Wildwood

Mock Vervain

We were walking in the neighborhood this morning...the part that has actual sidewalks...and saw a rather luxurious spreading clump of these clusters of tiny flowers growing out of a crack in the pavement. I didn't have my camera with its plant identification app so I picked a couple of stems to bring home. John asked a guy running up the street if he knew what it was and he said he didn't, but gazing down at it commented, 'if you plant it in your garden it won't grow'.

I took these sprigs home photographed them and the app identified them as Mock Vervain. Then of course I had to look up real vervain, which it turns out is  known to me as verbena. John just took out a whole bed of it because, just as the man said, it looked terrible. Though, in fairness, it did look nice for quite awhile.

Whilst doing this bit of research I got an email from our insurance broker in Los Angeles informing us that one of our three insurance policies will not be renewed in September. They assure us that they will find us other coverage but can't give us a quote until 45 days before the old policy expires. I've spent the rest of the afternoon filling out all the same information we sent before which involves rooting through financial papers for all the relevant information that they should already have. 

Some days I feel as if I'm spinning my wheels...and not the Peloton kind.

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