
By KatesGardenPDX

The Enchanted Forest

I picked up my son and grandchildren today and headed south to Salem, OR to visit The Enchanted Forest. I'd never been there, neither had the kids, but everyone I mentioned it to exclaimed that it is their absolutely favorite place! The park has a fascinating history - a vision of one man who almost single-handedly built the first phase of the park. It opened in 1971 and more rides and features have been added over time. It's bordering on hokey, but it's so well-maintained and obviously well run that it really was a joy to be there. We were fortunate to be there just after opening (10:30 am) because by 1:00 the park was almost crowded. It's obviously a family favorite, as well as a tourist destination. The history is fascinating if you're interested in reading it.

The collage is of the grandchildren, the entrance castle, the grands in the Tiny Tune Train, The Haunted House (which we did NOT go in!), and the Old European Village. Nothing is really quite to adult scale :-)

In the extras, a family selfie, and when I asked if everyone had made sure to smile, I got the second selfie! (Oh, it appears that they're in the wrong order...oh well!)

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