Carolina's journal

By Carolina


I was out back watering and glanced down at the Columbine and thought the light was quite lovely.   The flowers are a bit slow this year so started the Miracle grow regimen.   I started working on more repairs to our Kitchen tarp and after this I think I will have replaced the entire thing!  It has served us well for over 35 years.   It is screened in (all replaced) and has for flaps that come down for privacy and warmth.  When the kids were younger I gave the girls showers in there too.  Yes, all the flaps and roof have been replaced!    If I remember I will blip it. 
   Many many thanks to all the hearts and stars for the last few blips!!  I tried to get to journals the last few nights and had issues with our TV wi-fi and ended up on CHAT with the gal from the cable Co.  by the time we were done it was just about bed time.   I was trying to do a  speed test on my TV to see what the internet speed was.  Apparently all you have to do is go to and viola!  So...  the word is that our internet wi fi is so old we are paying more than we should and getting 1/4 of what is available.  The guys will be out to re-run new cable and what not soon.  If our system wasn't so antiquated the guy at the cable co. would have been able to get an appointment for us sooner!  I expect he'll call us back in a few days.  
   Anyways.....    thanks for stopping by and I'll get to journals as I can and love all the comments, the hearts and stars!!!!!

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