
By Greenstead

Sedbergh Music Festival Day 10

J arrived today. He wanted to see Jess Gillam perform with the Northern Sinfonia. She is a magnificent saxophonist and they played a range of music from Bowie to Bach (not JS). We were privileged to be in one of Sedbergh School’s halls. This one was filled with previous Headmasters keeping the proceedings under review. J said it made him think of Hogwarts!
Earlier in the day, I had been to see the musicians from Chethams school of music. Four young people performed. All very talented, but the final performer was the one who stood out to me. I would not be surprised to hear about her in the future.
With J. Arriving, I decided to prepare a pasta dish. I had found a delicious sounding Jamie Oliver recipe for sweet pea pasta. Yummy. When we got back from the concert we had rhubarb crumble. The walk into town and the 3 hour gap had reinvigorated my appetite.

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