Burradoo Journal

By Burradoo

The little wireless program

One of my all time favourite broadcasters is retiring. Phillip Adams has hosted Late Night Live, ‘the little wireless program’ as he called it, since 1991. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t hear his broadcasts. He called us listeners ‘Gladdies’ because in the early days he claimed he had only one listener, who was called Gladys. More recently he has acknowledged that he also has ‘Poddies’ who follow the program as a podcast.
Over the last 33 years Late Night Live has broadcast an incredibly wide and diverse range of in depth interviews. A regular feature is the unpacking of current Australian, British and American affairs by, respectively, Laura Tingle, Ian Dunt and Bruce Shapiro. Phillip is a lifelong leftie – he regards it as a badge of honour that ASIO (the Australian security service) has a file on him - and LNL has sometimes been dubbed ‘Late Night Left’.
The koala stamp, which Phillip awarded to outstanding contributors and endeavours, will be passed to David Marr, who is taking over the little wireless program. A koala stamp with gumleaf clusters for Phillip.

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