Another Day

By BlackTulip

Early morning visitor

The dental procedure went well yesterday and being sedated was a wise precaution.  I had a couple of hours of pain and nothing since, which is amazing considering the amount of stitches I’ve got and how much is missing from the roof of my mouth.  Talking is tricky.

I am using an ice pack to try to reduce my gorilla mouth swelling but didn’t realise there would be bruising, which is coming out on both sides of my jawline.  Yikes!

I saw this juvenile green woodpecker land on the lime tree whilst I was attempting breakfast and even though the dining room window squealed in protest as I opened it, the woodpecker didn’t move,  Looks better large.

It’s actually very pleasant in the shade and after I’ve watched a bit of tennis I’ll head out there to read.

Our old 5’ bed was picked up last night after advertising locally.

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