There and back again

By Mikes

In the shade

Very warm morning here today, not so many people out walking early on which surprise me because it was the coolest part. Met another walker with a lovely little springer who is driving him spare by rolling in anything green wet and smelly!!!!

Jinxy was at the vets for his annual boosters and a pat from the vet and a bill for just under £50 this after noon.

Camera club went well last night. My first choice of my three prints got a recommendation to go through to the next exhibition at Pecorama, a local attraction who have a lovely gallery space which we will fill with works from club members. Just a couple of critiques more then taking our final three choices to be be voted on by members. We will each have at least two on show.

I enjoy putting up work that is not my usual subjects to see what reception they get and as the author of the piece is not known until after a member has given his opinion on it its quiet fun listening to the comments!

Have a nice evening, its getting really cool here and its plesent just sitting out side

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