2nd Sat Strollers

By AndrewDBurns

Cramond foreshore

Over at Cramond foreshore earlier this afternoon - bit of haar hanging around, but still felt as tranquil a spot, as ever ...

... here's a slight adaption of the last verse of a Ewan MacColl song:

Joy of Living

Take me to some place I loved, a place of shingle, sand and spray.
Give my dust and ashes to the waves,
And I will be one with all you see –
The rolling swell and the drifting clouds,
The endless tides and the gentle winds.
I’ll be there in the seagull’s cry and the turnstone’s darting flight,
There in the beach-grass and the seakale dewed with diamonds,
There in the rain in your face and the sea breeze that blows in your hair,
Reminding you how we shared
In the joy of living.


Ewan MacColl (1915 - 1989)


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