
By PaulaJ

Heat haze

A pleasant crossing - Dover to Calais. By DFDS, not P&O for obvious reasons. I do love the crossing that we’ve been doing for years and years.

We did minimum mileage today and have arrived in the Bay of the Somme. Le Crotoy is a lovely little seaside town with a vast beach and a long promenade. Very warm but a welcome breeze. When we arrived the sea was way off in the distance. How quickly it came in - I was astonished. It brought lots of people down to play.

We are now in a tiny Auberge close to a popular nature reserve in the dunes ‘parc ornithologique du Marqeunterre’, and a lake attracting a range of birds. Gordon has been to visit both - too hot for me. We think there are some serious birders staying here. Room is tiny but food is delicious.

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