
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 80/91
Main activity: Wed - jog, laundry, work, pool, packing
Notes: Hot enough it didn't dip below 80 overnight - ugggh! Slept ok and felt better waking up - debated going for a jog or swimming laps and opted for jog tho very hot & humid. Went to pool after just to cool off a bit and then showered off there. Couple loads of laundry w/ new JCrew stuff and mine to get ready for time in Gulfport. Work - doing another Facebook post and sharing (for SpeakOUT tomorrow) and then created a short video to publish tomorrow as a last final push to get registrations - vid came out good. Pool time, mostly to myself tho Eric & Linda came thru and the the pool guy. Back to carnivore diet, had burger w/ turkey bacon and goat cheddar, last piece of turkey meatloaf that's been in freezer and a fried egg. Later had some chicken broth. Starting to pack then and put things tog for the event and then helping Ellen move stuff on Friday (will be glad when that's over!). Streamed shows in the evening till after 7p

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