
By FergInCasentino

High clouds

According to Windy the cloud tops to the north of us were 6k to 8k high. Our part of italy was sitting in very still air. The air temp was 19C at 2000m and minus 26Cc at 7,000m. So not surprising to see the hotter air rising so far.

It came on to rain over the higher hills later and here the temp dropped to 16.6C as the rain fell 6k away. We had a brief sprinkle. By 17:30 it was warm enough to make rotavating hot sweaty work. Some of the cannellini beans failed to germinate so I’ll resow tomorrow even though it’s getting later in the year.

Temps looking to soar at the weekend to 34C here and I’d imagine a good deal more for the start of the Tour de France in Florence.

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