Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


I managed my early start today with the girls and even had time to go to Waitrose with Isobel to pick up supplies for the class Pine Cone Party. Don't ask me what it is, I just bought the refreshments!
I next drove up to Morningside (what a nightmare Tollcross is) to return Mike's jacket and bring him down to N Edinburgh for a Parkinson's supporters meeting.
At lunch time Colin and I decided to head out to Craigie to pick up some fresh strawberries and raspberries. While there were had some lunch. A very tasty ploughman's for me and some soup for Colin.
The mist was rolling in while we were there and the temperature dropped dramatically. We were glad to be indoors out of the cold.
I took the picture of my lettuce, in the sunshine, to record how well they are doing.
Colin's sister is here over night then heading back North tomorrow.
Mum in laws flat is now listed on the website and looking good. Fingers crossed it doesn't take too long to sell.

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