
By rainie

A Pretty Pair

Like a couple of days ago, we went to watch Lexi's cousin play netball, they are in the quarter finals.  Unfortunately, they were beaten but put up a good fight.  They play again tomorrow, but I'm presuming its for lower glories.

We came home and did a few jobs....one of the most important one is I've finished the judging...checked and rechecked.  Blimey, thats been an epic job, not helped of course by coming to Townsville when we did.

I snuck outside to find a blip, these Rainbow Lorikeets were feeding at the neighbours and making a bit of a racket!!  Doug and Lexi are doing a jigsaw at the moment, giving me a chance to get my blip in.

Since we've been here we've only had one sunny day, that was Sunday.  The other days have been overcast and drizzling.  Of course, still very warm.

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