
By keepingtrack

Beach huts at Findhorn

We said farewell to Orkney today - took the ferry from Stromness to Scrabster. The route runs round the side of Hoy so we had a last view of the cliffs and the Old Man of Hoy.
Had a breakfast stop on Thurso before hitting the road south - aiming for Aberdeen tomorrow.
By chance our route coincided with a big cycle ride that a friend Peter is doing so we caught up with him for afternoon tea. He is bike-camping diagonally up Scotland, from the south west corner of Dumfriesshire, to Duncansby Head at the top. We met him just near Lairg, on an enforced rest day as his bike had broken and he was awaiting a replacement from a generous friend. Pete is cycling to raise funds for a charity he is patron of - The Green Team who do great work with young adults in Edinburgh and the Lothians.
We left him to it and continued our journey south, stopping at Findhorn. This gave us chance to stretch our legs on the beach and enjoy a beautiful sunset.

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